How Can A Credit Repair Professional Help You Close More Real Estate Deals?

How Can A Credit Repair Professional Help You Close More Real Estate Deals?

As a credit repair expert I can tell you from experience that I have helped many, many people to attain their dreams.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) gives us the ability to dispute items on a credit report that are not 100% accurate and verifiable.

There are many times when I audit a credit report that we find things on individuals credit reports that are not reporting accurately.  What can we do to help your client?

Audit there credit report looking for these inaccuracies.
Advice them on the steps to take that will help them attain the highest possible score they can in their given situation.

Many times individuals read things on the internet and then they act on what they have read, not realizing they could be doing the wrong thing.

For example, many people think that paying off revolving credit cards and then closing them will help their credit.  This is not the case, they could be doing more harm then good by doing this.

Do you know what will happen if your client decides to go pay a collection that is more than 24 months old?

Only by having someone who really knows what the scoring model is looking for and has had the experience, can you feel comfortable in knowing your client is in good hands.

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